Lady Scarlet had to torture this guy and she did it with her boots. She wanted him to feel a lot of pain so she started by boot crushing his fingers and his hands before she worked her way to his head and she gave it a cruel and painful trampling. It was to pump sense into his head and she managed to do it by the time she was done.
Goddess Gabriella did not want her husband to get used to being late. They had spoken about it but he did not do what they had agreed. That is why the mistress had to find a way to dominate him and to pump some sense into him. The mistress did not care about anything he felt as she wanted him to change. That is why she did it as cruelly as possible.
Mistress Jezebel did not like how her ex acted and she had to step in and control him and his actions. She had to do it in a painful way for him so that he understood how serious she was. That is why the mistress chose to trample the guy's head and crush it as painfully as she could. That is how he learned never to mess with her again.
This guy was a problem madame Carla needed to solve and she did not sit down and wonder what to do and how to do it. She felt that the best way to approach the issue was to use her head trampling fetish. She did so and in no time, the guy was in pain and he was apologizing for al that he had done and he pledged never to cause problems again.
Madam Mysteria needed to send a message to this guy and she did it in a way he had never expected. The mistress was pissed at him and she had to make sure that he learned his lesson in a way he would never forget. The mistress did it like a pro and the guy could not believe what she made him go through. He never pissed her off again.
When it comes to punishing, this mistress can do anything and she can use anything to achieve what she wants. That is what happened today as the mistress went out of her way to head trample the guy and to teach him a lesson that no one had ever taught him. He was head crushed and made to feel a lot of pain before the mistress let him go. He never repeated his mistake.
Her trainer saw that this mistress was hot and he tried his best to hit on her and sleep with her. But the mistress was faithful to her partner and she did not want to be distracted from her workout. She tried to ignore him but when he persisted, she trampled him to make sure he got it into his head that she was not going to let him continue doing that.
When mistress Angie realized that they were staring at a financial crisis but her husband was just lazy about it and did not want to do anything, she got pissed. They had talked many times but he did not take any initiative to make things better. For that, he had to be punished and she did it with her head trampling fetish. She did it to him in the kitchen where he had gone to fix himself another plate oblivious of where the money for the food came from.
Madame Marissa felt that this guy was too fanatical. She had to deal with him and she did so using her head trampling fetish. The mistress made him cry as she did her thing on him and it was lot of fun for her but not for him. He was shocked to learn that she paid attention to him and he promised the mistress that he would change for the better.
Queen Marie does not relate well with stubborn people and that is why she humiliated this guy. He had been stubborn with her for a long time and he did not want to change his opinion. That was not ok with her and she cruelly trampled his head for him to know that she would not condone that behavior from him. He could do it out there but not with her.