When this mistress noticed that this guy was pretentious, she was disappointed as she did not know where she did not know where she stood with him. She did not want him to tell her what she wanted to hear but rather she wanted to know the truth from him. That is why she forced him to lie down and she head trampled him so as to get the truth.
When this mistress was lied to on a crucial project, she knew that it was up to her to put an end to that nonsense and she did so as painfully as she was able to. She had to make sure that he would never lie to her again so she took a pair of huge boots and she used them to trample the guy and she started with his head.
Lady Scarlet had told this guy not to be too obvious but he did not do what she had instructed him. And that pissed her off badly to the extent that she chose to head trample him and send a message that he would not forget in a hurry. The mistress loved how she was able to make him feel pain and regret what he had done to the extent that he promised he would change.
Mistress Cucciolo did not take it lightly when this guy ignored her instructions. She had told him the importance of taking her instructions seriously and when he did not do what they had agreed, she had to punish him which she did as painfully and as cruelly as she was able to. She used heels to head trample him and by the time she was done with him, she was sure he would not fail to follow her instructions again.
When this guy was late to a crucial meeting, this mistress was so pissed at him as he nearly jeopardize an important deal. She had to ensure he learned his lesson the hard way and so she head trampled him so that he would get it into his head that he had to keep time and he had to be dependable at all times. Otherwise, he would have himself to blame for whatever happened.
Mistress Gilda was shocked to find these guys fighting over her. She was not that close with either of them and she wondered why they did it. But they were attracting a lot of attention and it was embarrassing to her. She did not want it to continue and so had to make sure that it stopped. So she head trampled both of them to make them stop all of that nonsense.
When it comes to teaching guys a lesson, this mistress knows how to do it in a way people never expect. This guy thought that she would not do anything to him but he was shocked when the mistress head trampled him and made him cry and beg her to stop. But she did not stop at that as she also had him lick the dirty socks she was wearing.
Mistress Pamela and her friend had an issue with this slave because they realized that he was a spy. They did not like it one bit and they punished and tortured him to ensure he never did such a thing again. He was forced to lie down and he was trampled like never before. He cried and begged the mistresses to stop but they had to know all about his spying operation.
Mistress Suzanna and mistress Mera were shocked to discover that this guy had been snitching on them. They were shocked because they had trusted him with sensitive information and now that he had betrayed them, they had to punish him. And so they head crushed him and made him pay for his sins before they not only revoked his access to the sensitive information, but they also made him pay financially for his snitching.
When this farmhand showed unreliable traits, mistress Krush had to show him what she did to people like him. She did not want to let him get away without any punishment and that is why she chose to head trample him and also torture him like never before. The mistress head trampled him and crushed his head and face to make it painful for him and to make him realize she was not joking.